A resource for coffee farmers and professionals on tree species found in and around coffee landscapes.

The Catalog
From the main attributes of the species, to the use and benefits, through to propagation and management tips, the catalog is a useful guide for whole-farm planning.
The Purpose
Climate change is affecting coffee production around the globe. Retaining and replanting trees in coffee landscapes will play a central role in combating these effects.

To Connect
Farmers and practitioners often lack the information needed to select shade trees that are good for coffee, support and diversify household incomes and provide benefits to wildlife and ecosystem services.

Promote Access
Availability of most shade tree species is low in most coffee producing areas. This catalog is intended to promote diversity in shade trees within coffee farming systems.

Show Benefits
Trees clean our air and make it more breathable, clean our water, keep soil healthy, buffer floods, and provide habitat for wildlife and enhance biodiversity, all of which contributes to keeping us healthy. Incorporating trees in and around coffee production, particularly native species, can also provide benefits to coffee and people.